Thursday, September 27, 2007

Simon drives

I let Simon drive today!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tailgate 2

Chiefed by Wes Bennett, Amazing food Cheffed by Holly Hambright, parking space and generator provided by Boogie, golf cart, badminton and flair by Cheryl and Mike, Heine-keg by Megan and Rachael, tequila in a water-bottle by Kate, and beer by everyone. This weeks tailgate was the best we have ever done it. It was twice as good as tailgate 1, and will only be exceeded by tailgate 3. We are getting good at tailgating. I can only credit our practice at Buffett shows for our preparedness at the UT tailgate.

Cornhole will be provided by the Captain (Eli) and apparently we have commandeered some bean bags thanks to Wes for Georgia game.

All, in all it was a great tailgate!

Secret Pool

I have a random new gig lifeguarding a water aerobics class 3 times a week for an hour. Today as I was driving to this class I started wondering if anyone else downtown realizes that every day they are walking by a secret underground pool. People downtown breeze by up on the street with no idea.
Meanwhile, below the street, on a completely different wavelength, 5 old ladies are doing water aerobics, in the middle of downtown, in the middle of the day.
This secret pool has inspired me to create a new blog where I find every pool in Knoxville. I want to know where they all are. Crazy? Yes.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My awesome Nemo swim cap

OK, so I am still teaching 75 year old Bob to swim twice a week and I love my 2 hours a week with him, a lot. In fact, I will be pretty sad when he decides he has learned enough and we stop having lessons but maybe we can still do lunch.

Thursday I put flippers on Bob and it was like a miracle. The extra momentum he was getting from the fins gave him the ability to really get his arm stroke down. He was SO excited and so was I!!! He swam halfway across the pool by himself (he stopped at the deep-end line of course because he is still terrified).

After we finished a great lesson Bob wanted to take me to lunch, which of course, I was for. We went to Gourmet Market, which I suggested because I knew Chef Holly would make him feel special. After lunch I follwed him over to Swim and Tri to get his own flippers. He spent forever trying them on and finding the perfect fit and while we were checking out at the register i was talking to Patrice about how cool the Nemo swimcaps are and he insisted on buying me one. So, now I am showing it to everyone!

I put it on Simon and he didn't quite know what to think.

Oh, by the way, the cap also has a fin, and a tail.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Simon eats food now!

Today at lunch, I was dreading the normal routine of trying to trick my son into eating real food when I was pleasantly surprised. He wanted to!
It has been such a battle for the longest time but over the past couple of weeks I think he has decided that maybe I am not trying to poison him with the horrible things I try to put into his mouth and possibly they are even tasty.

Today at lunch he ate: vegetable soup!!! Strawberries!!! Cheerios and baby cheese curls(of course). The kicker was, he drank juice from a juice box through a straw!!!!!!!

I have never been so proud. Now, let's just see if we can keep this momentum going through to dinner.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Yoga Experiment

OK, so yesterday I decided to do my 45 minute power yoga video. While doing the video I thought many times, "this is pretty easy". About 3 hours later I was at the Y teaching people how to swim, when I realized that every muscle in my body was sore and tired. This made me think, "hey maybe yoga actually does work!"
This realization is coming at quite a convenient time because my knee has been bothering me a lot lately when I run. Thus I have decided to try the "YOGA EXPERIMENT".
I will do nothing but yoga everyday for like a week and see what happens. Celebrities swear by yoga and say it keeps them thin so I am going to test that theory. If I don't notice any results for a week, it will be back to running.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Floating Plate of Enchiladas...

Among all of my coaching activities I am teaching a level 4 swim lesson group. It's a lot of fun which is the reason I do it. I get in with the kids and level four means they should pretty much do swim team next summer. They are good little swimmers.
Well, there is a teeny, tiny little kid in my class named Roger. He is the smallest one by far but he is an awesome swimmer and more importantly he is a funny little critter.
Yesterday I was trying to correct their freestyle and I was explaining that I wanted them to reach out really far when they swim freestyle as if they were reaching for something they want badly, like maybe chocolate. Then I got distracted and started saying,
"Unless of course you don't like chocolate and you can pick something else like pixie sticks, or skittles, or...."

"Enchiladas!" Roger screamed this.

"Ok, or enchiladas," I said, "Reach out really far like you are reaching for enchiladas.."

Sometimes I kind of think out loud with the kids and I sort of mumbled,
"but enchiladas would disintegrate and fall apart if they really were in a pool"

Then Roger chimed in, "Not if they are on a floating plate."

Then Andy added, "and you would need a floating cup of milk if they are spicy to cool off your mouth."

Then I realized how far we had gotten off of swimming and turned the conversation around so we could get moving but I will tell you my mouth watered for enchiladas for the rest of the night.

T-shirt Update! NEW COLORS!

Guess what!? Sunsphere T's are now available in a variety of colors!!! Hooray for variety is the spice of life.
We now have a baby blue,

royal blue

and slate blue.

We also have gray

and Volunteer orange.

The website is up and running and shirts are easy to purchase, you can just pay right there on the website.
Oh, and these shirts can also be purchased at the Knoxville downtown visitors center. That's right, we are big-time now.

Mike wore his shirt when he was on the radio

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Mike and I were invited to watch the game in a Sky Box tonight. I must say, you feel pretty special when you are up there. They have a menu for before the game, half-time and after the game. The food is endless. That was cool.
Sitting in a skybox is cool too. It is air-conditioned with an un-obstructed view, etc.
I don't think it is for me though. I had a really good time but I kind of had to behave more than I am used to at games. I kind of like the loud, crazy, messy student section. When the wave was going around tonight in the stands I stood up and cheered in the skybox and got some strange looks. They are not used to people hootin' and hollerin' I guess.

I did sit behind former lady Vol national champion Sidney Spencer. That was very cool. She was very nice and not stuck up at all about her celebrity status. In fact, she was getting drinks for other people in the box and picking up other people's trash.
Oh, and Mayor Ragsdale was on the elevator with us on the way out of the skybox. There were actually about 50 people on the elevator, or maybe 30 but it was packed. We were on there for about 10 minutes and someone most certainly farted. I don't think it was the mayor and it definitely was not me.

All in all it was quite fun and I felt like a total VIP. Oh, and did I mention that Mike commandeered a golf cart from the Rambler and we drove it from tailgate to tailgate and we pulled right up to the skybox elevators and parked it. That was door to door service baby!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

My running buddy

I am back into the running thing again. I have been going pretty much every day. I can tell I am getting back in shape because Wednesday when I went to run with the track club, I was planning on running 3 miles but I ran with this chick Julie and she wanted to do 5, so we did and it rocked. I am going to try to do the upcoming Wears Valley 15k this month and then the Cross Knox 15k in October I think and then Autumnfest 8k on Thanksgiving. Then I am going to do Strawberry Plains half-marathon in February, Knoxville half-marathon in April and Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon in May. That is a lot, I know, but if I don't have training goals I lose interest.

My new running buddy is Simon. He has been coming with me a lot lately and is almost too big for the baby jogger.

This past week I was asked to take over the position of Knoxville Track Club Social Chair. I am really excited about this. I get to plan group runs, PUB RUNS, and most importantly I get to plan the huge track club Christmas Party and Summer Party. I will get a budget that I get to spend on these parties and if you know me, you know I LOVE party planning!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Coaching Bob

I have just started back coaching again after a month of nothingness.
August is kind of a boring month because July is insane with swim activity and then August just stops and is the slowest most boring month for me (except for my anniversary and Simon's bday), but as far as jobs go I do nothing.
In fact, I received a paycheck from the Y for $8.31. That is for half an hour, which is how much I worked in August I think. I had it on the fridge because I thought it was so hilarious but Mike took it and deposited it.

September has hit now and boom! I am coaching and teaching all over the place again. I coach kids at Ft. Sanders West, which is a lot of fun. It is a really nice facility and I have a bunch of cute kids who swim on summer league teams and are swimming with me throughout the year to stay in shape. I pretty much get to do whatever I want with this group and they pay me a lot for doing what I love.

I am also coaching swim clinic at West-Side Y and teaching lessons there.


I am teaching lessons right now to a sweet 75 year old man named Bob who has never learned to swim in his life. He is great. He booked an hour lesson with me twice a week. At first I thought this was a lot of time, but I realized on our first day that about 30 minutes of the hour is spent just chatting with Bob. Bob was in the NAVY!!! Can you believe that? In the Navy and never learned to swim. He told me that every time they would have swim tests he would get a doctors note so he wouldn't have to do it. He just kept slipping through the cracks and never actually learned. Oh and listen to this, of all of his many doctors excuses he used to get out of swim tests, one doctor wrote him a not that said he couldn't swim because he had too much earwax. AND IT WORKED!!! How crazy is that? In the United Stated Navy that excuse worked.

So anyway, now I am teaching Bob to swim and I love him. He rides a scooter to the Y from Farragut! He goes hiking all the time and he water skis. That's right, the man cannot swim, but he can water ski. What a character.
Anyway, I was pretty nervous when I decided I would teach a 75 year old to swim but it turns out he is so wonderful and interesting and is brightening my Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I wish I had a picture of him to put on here because he is a stud.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Simon's Dad is sooo funny!

Mike was throwing the soccer ball at the front door and Simon thought it was hilarious. I have no idea why.

Simon is NOT crazy!

This video below proves that Simon is most definitely not crazy.

T-shirts for sale!

Last spring I was driving down Neyland drive on a perfect, clear, glistening March day. I was so happy as I drove that I thought, "I love living in Knoxville!"
Sometimes when I am driving I get really good inspired ideas. That day I decided I would like a t-shirt that said "I heart Knoxville", because I love living in K-town so much.
Then I thought, "that wouldn't be very original," and right as that thought passed through my brain I had a eureka!

I Sunsphere Knoxville! I could put a Sunsphere in place of the heart.
Well, I never honestly thought this idea would amount to anything, but it seems it has and now Mike and I are in the T-shirt business.

The shirts look great. We have a white, orange and soon a gray and blue option. The shirts can be ordered on our website at They are $14.99. Kids sizes are available too.