Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Best Legs Contest

About a week before Thanksgiving, Kate was driving down Kingston pike when she saw a sign on the marquis of the Palace saying that they were having a best legs contest.

Well, she called me right away and told me to enter, which of course, I did.

We invited many friends who came to support my cause and I dressed up in my sexy school girl outfit...



AHHH! Hottes legs baby!!!


Camels & Chocolate said...

So we were right: You do have the best legs in all of Knoxville. But then again, I knew that already. What did you win??

legmanmichigan said...

Nice legs! WOW! Were you wearing nude or tan nylons? Very classy/sexy!



- said...

No I think she has just got an (un)healthy amount of spray tan on them. But she still looks so fucking hot and sexy! I love the heels, still high and pointy without being ridiculously slutty.